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Order A Resale Packet

Please email all request forms to RESALES@AFHOA.NET

Resale Request Form


Are you Selling?

Sales of properties located in a property owners/homeowners association require that the buyer receive a Resale Packet Notice (“Resale Notice”) developed by the Virginia Common Interest Community (CIC) Board which includes a list of the information and association documents that must be disclosed to a buyer upon entering a purchase contract. To review the complete Property Owner’s Association Act please click here.


What does the Resale Packet contain? 

The Association’s Resale Inspection findings, the Association Covenants, Bylaws, Financial Disclosure, Insurance Information, Assessment Information, Adopted Resolutions, and recent Board Meeting Minutes.

How long does the Resale Inspection Process take? Resale packages will be completed on or before fourteen calendar days from the date of the request and turning in the form & payment.

Is there a cost for the Resale Inspection? Yes, the costs for a condo resale begin at $100.00 for a Condo and $315.00 for Townhome/Single-Family homes. There is an additional fee for a rush resale of $70.00 and provides the documents in three full business days from the date it is requested.


What is the Resale Inspection Process?

Resale Inspections are performed upon request by the property owner prior to the resale of a property, in accordance with State Law. After receiving a resale request, an Association inspector performs an on-property inspection of the lot, and all structures or exterior modifications to check for compliance with the Association’s Covenants, Architectural Standards, and Maintenance Guidelines. This is a complete and thorough inspection of the exterior of the property and structures that will note uncorrected issues from past inspections and any visible violations.

The Resale Inspection process includes verification that all exterior modifications have been approved by the Association and constructed in accordance with the approved application. It is a violation of the Association’s Covenants to make exterior modifications without approval from the Association which requires submitting an Exterior Alteration Application and getting approval from the Association to move forward with construction. If the exterior modification was not constructed in accordance with the approved application the owner will be notified of the violation.

Common exterior architectural modifications that require notice to neighbors and approval from the Association are:

  • Hardscape walkways and patios, retaining walls, borders, etc.

  • Widening of driveways

  • Playsets or other recreational structures

  • Major landscape changes or enhancements

  • Removal of porch railings

Common exterior maintenance issues that would be noted during an inspection include, but are not limited to:

  • Peeling paint and exposed wood on any area of the home

  • Rusted and corroded metal railings, rust stains on steps and landing

  • Fences that are beyond “weathered naturally”, i.e., excessive mold or mildew or fungus, etc.

  • Excessive warping on any exterior wood structure i.e., fence pickets, garage doors, etc.

  • Excessive mildew, mold, or grime on any exterior structure i.e., walkouts, decks, siding, fences, etc.

  • The landscape is examined for dead plants, excessive weeds, etc.

  • Missing or damaged gutters, downspouts, shutters, fence & railing pickets, window screens, etc.

  • Mismatched paint colors (i.e., shutters that are two or more different colors)

  • Any exterior structure requiring maintenance

The homeowner is notified of any violations noted on the property and is provided with a compliance period in which to make the repairs or perform the maintenance. After the homeowner resolves those items in violation and notifies the Association Office, the correction is confirmed, and the issue is closed.


Who will receive the completed Resale Inspection package?

The packet is emailed to the email address provided on the Resale Inspection Request form. If a paper packet is requested, the requester must pick up the completed packet from the Association office.


How will the Resale Inspection Package be delivered?

The packet is delivered to the requested by either email through an Adobe link or the requested printed copy.


How to Get Started?

To begin the Resale Inspection process, a Resale Request form must be requested. The form can be submitted to or dropped off at the HOA or in the drop-box outside the Association Office located at 21400 Windmill Drive, Ashburn Virginia, 20147 or mailed. 

Resale Inspection fees must be paid at the time the resale request form is submitted and must be paid by cash or check. The process will begin once both the payment and form are received. Checks should be made payable to Ashburn Farm Association. The Association has fourteen (14) calendar days from the date received at the Association Office to complete the package. A Rush request can be made for an additional fee of $70.00 to expedite the package’s delivery in three (3) full business days.


What do I do if there is a violation noted in my Resale Inspection Packet?

Violations noted during the Resale Inspection and pictures of the noted issues will be provided to the method/address provided by the person who requested the Resale Inspection. Property/home violations should be corrected to ensure the seller receives top dollar at resale but will transfer to the purchaser if left uncorrected. The purchaser / new owner will have thirty days to correct the conditions. Once the noted issues are corrected the Association must be notified and an inspector will perform a reinspection. 

If exterior modifications have not been applied for / approved, you will be asked to submit an Exterior Alteration Application or restore the home/property to its original condition. Once all violations have been cured and all property modifications have been approved, the Association will provide a cure letter to the seller or requesting agent.

Questions regarding your Resale Packet, Resale Inspection, etc. can be emailed to or directed to the Association at (703) 729-6680.

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